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Herbal Beverages Buabok

Buabok (Ariatic pennywort)

Scientific Name:Centella asiatic (L.) Urb.


Other names:Pakwaen (The Southern Part, Chantabrui, The Eastern Part) Pak nork (The Northern Part) Panahaekhadhao (Karen-Mae Hongsorn) Tiakamchao Hukkuk (Chinese)

Botanical features:

TrunkA short – life cycle plant easily grows on wet soil. Roots grow on the plant’s joints from which leaves straightly develop.

Leaves The leaves of Buabok plant are in a single form with long stems and a kindney shape. At the base of each leaf, there is a deep curve. Leaves are jagged around in a triangular form.

Blossoms umbrella – like blossoms are growing form 2-3 joints consisting of 3-4 flowers. Each flower has 5 petals of reddish purple arranging in order with stamens.

Fruit The fruits of the Buabok are dark and very small, durable in flooded area.


As foods The whole plant is taken as fresh or briefly boiled and eaten with kahanomchin and namprig, any curries, or as an ingredient or yam, (a salad) as well as Buabok juice

Food value Buabok consists of sweet vaporized oil including bitter substance, glaicocide, high Bitamin A, Calcium and others.

As medicine The whole Buabok plant is used as medicine : water boiled with Buabok cures bruises, relieves inflammation, and thirstiness. Crushed Buabok cures bruises, relieves inflammation, and thirstiness. Crushed Buabok leaves are used to cure fresh or burnt wounds, to discharge urine as well as to be made into cream to relieve skin inflammation.

Name Buabok (Buabok Juice):

Ingredients Buabok leaves

Fresh water


Crushed Ice

Many herbs and spices used in Thai cuisine have beneficial medicinal properties. Herewith some examples ( you can find some technical terms below)

“Phrik” in Thai Chilli is an erect, branched, shrub-like herb with fruits used as garnishing and flavouring in Thai dishes. There are many different species. All contain capsaicin, a biologically active ingredient beneficial to the respiratory system, blood pressure and heart. Other therapeutic uses include being a stomachic, carminative and antiflatulence agent, and digest

“Yi-ra” in Thai Cumin is a small shrubbery herb, the fruit of which contains 2 to 4 % volatile oil with a pungent odour, and which is used as a flavouring and condiment. Cumin’s therapeutic properties manifest as a stomachic, bitter tonic, carminative, stimulant and astringent.

“Kra-thiam” in Thai Garlic is an annual herbaceous plant with underground bulbs comprising several cloves. Dried mature bulbs are used as aflavouring and condiment in Thai cuisine. The bulbs contain 0.1 to 0.36 % garlic oil and organic sulfur compounds. Therapeutic use are as antimicrobial, diaphoretic, diuretic, expectorant, antiflatulence and cholesterol lowering agents.

“Khing” in Thai Ginger is an erect plant with thickened, fleshy and aromatic rhizomes. Used in different forms as a food, flavouring and spice, Ginger rhizomes contain 1 to 2 % volatile oil. Ginger’s therapeutic uses are as a carminative, antinauseant and antiflatulence agent.

“Kha” in Thai Greater Galanga is an erect annual plant with aromatic, ginger-like rhizomes, and commonly used in Thai cooking as a flavouring. The approximately 0.04 volatile oil content has therapeutic uses as carminative, stomachic, antirheumatic and antimicrobial agents.

“Maeng-lak” in Thai Hoary Basil is an annual herbaceous plant with slightly hairy and pale green leaves, eaten either raw or used as a flavouring, and containing approximately 0.7 % volatile oil. Therapeutic benefits include the alleviation of cough symptoms, and as diaphoretic and carminative agents.

Kaffir Lime.jpg – 6270 Bytes KAFFIR LIME (Leech Lime, Mauritus Papeda, Porcupine Orange)

“Ma-krut” in Thai The leaves, peel and juice of the Kaffir Lime are used as a flavouring in Thai cuisine. The leaves and peel contain volatile oil. The major therapeutic benefit of the juice is as an appetizer.

“Ta-khrai” in Thai This erect annual plant resembles a coarse grey-green grass. Fresh leaves and grass are used as a flavouring. Lemongrass contains 0.2-0.4 % volatile oil. Therapeutic properties are as a diuretic, emmanagogue, antiflatulence, antiflu and antimicrobial agent.

“Ma-nao” in Thai Lime is used principally as a garnish for fish and meat dishes. The fruit contains Hesperidin and Naringin, scientifically proven antinflammatory flavonoids. Lime juice is used as an appetizer, and has antitussive, antiflu, stomachic and antiscorbutic properties.

“Sa-ra-nae” in Thai The fresh leaves of this herbaceous plant are used as a flavouring and eaten raw in Thai cuisine. Volatile oil contents give the plant several therapeutic uses, including carminative, mild antiseptic, local anaesthetic, diaphoretic and digestant properties.

“Phrik-Thai” in Thai Peper is a branching, perennial climbing plant from whose fruiting spikes both white and black pepper are obtained. Used as a spice and condiment, Pepper contains 2-4 % volatile oil. Therapeutic uses are as carminative, antipyretic, diaphoretic and diuretic agents.

(Holy Basil)

“Ka-phrao” in Thai Sacred Basil is an annual herbaceous plant that resembles Sweet Basil but has narrower and oftentimes reddish-purple leaves. The fresh leaves, which are used as a flavouring, contain approximately 0.5 % volatile oil, which exhibits antimicrobial activity, specifically as a carminative, diaphoretic, expectorant and stomachic.

“Hom, Hom-lek, Hom-daeng” in Thai Shallots, or small red onions, are annual herbaceous plants. Underground bulbs comprise garlic-like cloves. Shallot bulbs contain volatile oil, and are used as flavouring or seasoning agents. Therapeutic properties include the alleviation of stomach discomfort, and as antithelmintic, antidiarroheal, expectorant, antitussive, diuretic and antiflu agents.


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